Cirkel is a small biped that works very much like the OTTO robot. I made this robot for my workshop at the “Open Bidouille Camp Alsace 2017” in order to explain the basics of robotics to the general public during this family event that promotes tinkering and learning new skills.

So my goals were:

  • Learn how to use Fusion360 (my first project with this software)
  • To be able to see the components and the different parts without having to disassemble it (in order to be able to explain its operation more easily)
  • Be able to print it faster and with less plastic than the OTTO robot
  • Be compatible with similar robots (to be able to use the same programs)
(OTTO on the right and my version on the left)

Hardware used :

Optional Hardware :

  • 1 buzzer
  • 1 RGB led